Hey you. Where do you get your online music from?

https://annmorrislighting.com/stavhmrwbqz I’ll state outright that the point of this post is to make you, the reader, aware of an awesome online music service called turntable.fm. If you’re not aware of it, then you should definitely be checking it out! And if you like it, you should be telling your friends and family about it!

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see url If you checked it out when it first launched and haven’t revisited it since then, you should check it out again! They’ve made lots of improvements, and they’ve had an iOS app out for a while, and we’re told that they’re working on an Android app as well (hustle up, tt staff!)


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https://yplocal.us/0r6xpyobn So what is turntable.fm, exactly? You’re surely familiar with social networking, and turntable.fm is basically an effort to socialize your musical experience. The way it works is you enter a room that aligns with your tastes (you can create your own room if you’d like). By default there are 5 spots on the DJ decks. You can upload music directly from your computer, or search tt.fm’s extensive catalogue of tracks. Once you’ve got some tracks in your DJ queue, then click an open spot on deck. DJs take turns playing tracks for the crowd. If the crowd likes your music then they click the Awesome button, and in turn you’ll earn a DJ point for each awesome you receive.


https://aguasamazonicas.org/nrubhcz But beware! If they don’t like your music the crowd will not hesitate to click the Lame button, and enough of those and you’ll be skipped!

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https://emduk.org/ikg1a2oyse The most appealing part of turntable thus far for me has been exploring new genres that are out of my comfort zone, and as such I’ve discovered a lot of new music and artists that I was completely unaware of before!


https://thegreathighway.com/tunco3kz6 Our room is the Connect The Songs! room – come on in, the water’s great!

go here

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